Giretsu Kaiten Hyakushu (義烈回天百首)

Giretsu Kaiten Hyakushu is a collection of waka (Japanese poems) of patriot samurai in the end of Edo period, published in September 1874. Mamehon (Miniature Book). It was edited by Nobufusa SOMEZAKI, illustrated by Eitaku KOBAYASHI, and published by Bunsuke TSUJIOKAYA (Kinshodo). It is not the same as 'Giretsu hyakuninisshu' (heroism 100 poems by 100 famous poets) published in 1850.

This collection shows poetry (mostly death haiku) by heroes such as Shoin YOSHIDA, Genzui KUSAKA, and Koshiro FUJITA, with their short biographies. Although the contents of this collection are not highly credible due to the editor's prejudiced impressions and incorrect hearsay, it does conveys the public feeling for patriot samurai in the end of Edo period and the demand for heroic tales at that time.

[Original Japanese]